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product optimization
作者:佚名    所属栏目:【产品分类三】    时间:2024-08-12
The willingness of our partners to innovate
[...] means ongoing product optimization.
Product optimization and characterization [...]
application areas include
Direct cost savings and product optimization are evident in [...]
many areas
可为以下众多领域提供显著的成本节约及 产品 化优
These tactics can be grouped into
[...] three categories: Product Cost Optimization, Production Cost Optimization, and Organizational [...]
这些策略可分为三类:化产品成本 、优 化生产成 本以 化组 织及 流程。
Sakura DR-7785 European style DC PWM hood, specifically based on "Meet Chinese-style cooking function, and
Western-style beautiful exterior design"
[...] principle for product optimization design, while [...]
consumers use these products, they
can feel product quality, conforms to the usage environment of design excellence.
DR-7785櫻花歐化精品直流變頻除油煙機,特地針對"符合中式煮食機能,西式美觀外型設計"的原則,來 進行 計, 讓消 費者在使用上,都能感受到產品深具質感的、符合使用環境的卓越設計。
A recent statistics shows that in our country level unit output value reached one hundred million yuan more than hundred LED enterprise, the few enterprises with annual sales of more than 1 billion yuan, small-scale enterprises manufacturers in
market competition due to no
[...] technology updates, product performance optimization was eliminated; [...]
Even so, the industry competition
remains fierce, the investment market heat has not reduced.
一项最新统计数据显示,在我国单位年产值达到亿元级的百余家LED企业中,年销售额超过10亿元的企业寥寥 无几,小规模企业制造商在市场竞争中由于没有技术的更 、产 品性能 化而 汰; 尽管如此,行业竞争依旧激烈,投资市场热度并未降低。
The COC product web pass optimization project has reduced electricity cost by RMB15,000 and LNG [...]
by RMB 81,000 per annum,
for an initial RMB135,000 investment.
COC产品网络路径化项每年 减少用电成本15,0 00 元和 化气 81 ,000元,初期投资仅需要135,000元。
These neurological applications and their
developments underway leave the developers at Heraeus with great opportunities
[...] for innovative product development and optimization.
[...] 这种神经系统刺激器的开发尚处于起步阶 段,对于Heraeus研发人员来说还有着很 大产品创新空间
The breadth and depth of ANSYS software means that companies
can easily conduct comprehensive multiphysics simulation and enable
[...] cross-disciplinary product design and optimization.
ANSYS软件的广度和深度意味着公司可以很容易地进行全面的多物理场模拟,并且能够进行跨学 产品设 化。
Service experts from Voith support our customers in facing this
[...] challenge: from product services to optimizations of entire production lines.
For years we have
[...] been developing products, services and solutions for optimizing our plants‘ [...]
energy consumption – and with it operating costs.
多年来,我们始终致力于 服务 和解 决方案 以优 化设的能耗 — 以及运行成本。
Often these seminars are held as larger events, and give insights into
such topics as the benefits,
[...] implications and applications of system optimization, energy efficiency and product usage.
通常,这些研讨会作为大型活动举行,会中对诸多论题提出见解,如 系统 化的 、意 义与应用,能源效率 品的使 用等 等。
Additionally the company provides advice in all
[...] questions regarding optimization of product flow, investment [...]
preparation and cooperation, merging and site evaluations etc.
此外,公司还提供有 资与 合作 、合并以及现场评估等所有问题 的咨询服务。
In conjunction with the ISO 9001:2000 international quality guaranteed system, the management
of Euro American utilizes a team approach
[...] and the latest software in providing customer assistance with product design refinement and optimization.
[...] [...] 2000國際品質保證系統,配合既有無懈可擊的合作團隊,對產品從理念的提出後,本公司既提供完整且成熟的 產品設計經驗及先進的軟硬體設備來協助客戶在最短時間內,開發出具市場競爭性的產品,再藉由高 品質 管理 的製造流程及準確的交貨進度,提供客戶最好的 品品質 ,讓 客戶花費較低的管理成本進而在市場上獲取最大的利潤。
The Upstream Optimization product Suite incorporates [...]
a COM-compliant Applications Programming Interface (API) for integration with third-party tools.
化产品套合并了与 COM 兼容的应用程序编程接口 (API),以便与第三方工具集成。
With a reputation for technology
leadership, Marketwire
[...] offers innovative products and services -- including Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, News Dashboard [...]
coverage reports,
exclusive access to networks such as The Canadian Press Wire Network, Easy IR and Easy PR workflow solutions, and more -- that help communication professionals maximize their effectiveness while ensuring accuracy and best practices.
凭借其在技术上的领先地位,Marketwire提供富有创新意 服务 其中包括社交媒体,搜 News Dashb oard报告,加拿大新闻网等网络的独家进入权,简易投资者关系和简易公共关系工作流程解决方案等——帮助 传播专家在保证精确性和最佳实行的同时,使工作效率最大化。
The report created can include the evaluation of the machine condition, analysis of detected anomalies,
recommendations for the correction of defects,? advanced measurements to detect them as well as
[...] alert and trip optimization.
所创建的报告可包括机器情况评估、检测到的异常问题分析、纠正缺陷的建议、检测这些问题应提早采取的措施以 及警报和解 除警 化。
We love their powerful tools that make
[...] customization, optimization and product management easy [...]
and reporting very detailed.
我们喜欢他们强大的工具,这些工具使 制、 化和 产品管 进行 得十分轻松,也使报告十分详细。
The focus on the optimization of manufacturing processes, product engineering, [...]
research and development have enabled Sematic
to always present on the market, over the years, innovative technological solutions, from the first automatic door operated by alternating-current motor that guaranteed harmonious opening and closing of the doors (Sematic I, II, III Series from 1968) to Sematic 2000, a family of doors, with linear belt traction operators driven by DC motors through an analog electronic controller, which marked the abandonment of motorizations with arm operators (1982).
视优的生产、艺以 及研发,多年来为市场提供创新的技术解决方案,从第一台由交流电机控制的可顺畅闭合的自动电梯门产品(自 1968 年开始生产的思迈特 [...]
I, II, III 系列)、到思迈特 2000 门产品(带有线性皮带牵引装置,由直流电机通过模拟电子控制器驱动)系列,公司产品实现了从机械化操作臂(1982
Covering a wide scope of topics in the industry, Shen has in-depth knowledge and expertise in the functional areas of corporate strategy, merger and acquisitions, operational benchmark, organizational
restructuring, and sales and marketing management (especially
[...] branding, channel optimization, ?pricing and new product launches).
沈军先生在企业战略、兼并收购、运营体系对标、组织架构重组以及营销战略管理(尤其在品牌策略 渠道 化、 价策 略、 新产 品上 策略 )等方面有着丰富的咨询经验。
The equipment manufacturing industry itself is
also faced with structural issues such
[...] as industrial structure optimization, product upgrade, and equipment [...]
而装备制造业自生也面临着诸如产业 产品升 级、 备自 化等 性问 题。
The foundation of our services lies in the development of virtual prototypes using Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools. Simulation and modeling allows our offering to range from concept design,
via process simulation of the material’s conversion process up to
[...] mechanical simulation and optimization of the product.
我们利用计算机辅助工程(CAE)工具来发展虚拟模型,而结构模拟和建模广泛了我们的服务-从设概念计、材 料转换过程的仿真工艺, 品的仿 真机 化等
The implementation of China's green lighting project,
and promote the Lighting
[...] Industry structure optimization and upgrading of product quality to enhance [...]
the overall production
of energy-saving lamps and incandescent than 1:34 from 1996 to 1:1 in 2010, up, energy-saving lampsglobal market share increased from 20% in 1996 to 85 percent in 2010; to promote efficient lighting products, the popularity of applications and a general increase in lighting energy saving awareness in society as a whole, until now more than 500 million accumulated through financial subsidies to promote energy-saving lampsefficient lighting products in the market share of 70%; to promote the popularization and application of the rapid development of semiconductor lighting technology and semiconductor lighting products.
中国绿色照明工程的实施,推动了照明电器行业 的优 和产品质量 的整 体提升,节能灯和白炽灯的产量比由1996年的1:34上升至2010年的1:1,节能灯的全球市场占有率 由1996年的20%提高到2010年85%;推动了高效照明产品的普及应用和全社会照明节电意识的普遍提高,截止目前通过财政补贴方式累计推广节能灯 5亿只以上,全国高效照明产品的市场占有率达到70%;促进了半导体照明技术的快速发展及半导体照明产品的推广应用。
This phased funding could provide time to allow for
more development of substitute
[...] technologies and cost optimization and the accumulation [...]
of costing knowledge through practice.
分阶段供资可提供时间,使人们 可以更好地开发替代化成 通过 实践累积成本知识。
The representative of the Secretariat noted that both projects were in line with decision 55/43(e), which, inter alia, invited bilateral and implementing agencies to prepare and submit a limited number of time-specific project proposals involving
interested systems
[...] houses or chemical suppliers for the development, optimization and validation of chemical systems for use with non-HCFC [...]
blowing agents.
秘书处代表指出,两个项目都符合 55/43(e)号决定,除其他外,两 个项目请双边和执行机构编制和提交数量有限的且有时效要求的项目提案,并让有兴趣的 系统企业化学品供应商参与制定 优化以及 确认 那些使用非氟氯烃发泡 化学 制度
The Committee was informed that the Strategic Air Operations Centre exercises global operational control over strategic, out-of-mission area and inter-mission air movements, ensuring that United Nations aircraft are deployed according to the
Secretariat’s concept of global fleet
[...] utilization and fleet optimization, whereas the Transportation [...]
and Movements Integrated Control
Centre focuses on planning for the movement of personnel and cargo, and optimizing resources at the regional level (see also A/64/660, paras. 137-142).
[...] 间的战略空中业务行使外勤部全球业务管制;确保依照秘书处全球机队 使 用和 念部署联 合国飞机,而运输和调度综合控制中心侧重于为运送人员和货物 [...]
进行规划,并在区域一级优化资源(另见 A/64/660,第 137-142 段)。
a) Reduction of civil service posts in parallel with streamlining operations and enhancing productivity through re-prioritization, re-engineering, re-organization and
expanding the scope of outsourcing of
[...] maintenance work; b) Optimization of the operation [...]
and maintenance of sewerage network
and equipment in sewage treatment facilities; c) Reduction of general administration expenses in various aspects, such as overtime and jobrelated allowances, overseas duty visits, and transport and traveling.
a) 減 少 公務員職 位,並 透 過 重 訂 次 序、重 整工序和 重 整 架 構,及擴
[...] 大外判 維修 工 作 的 範圍, 作和高 工 作 效 率 ; b) [...]
充 分 利 用 污水收集網 絡 和 污水處理設施的設備 進行操 作和維修工作;
c) 減 少各方面的 一 般 行 政開支,例如逾 時 工 作和與工 作 相 關的津貼、海 外考察 及運輸和 交通等 的支出。
AMT has abundant experiences on the design of true flat touch panel, and we
continue to deepen
[...] our efforts on optimization production procedure, improvement of product yielding rate, [...]
as well as reduction
of costs, moreover, we will keep on to make innovative breakthroughs, in order to satisfy various kinds of needs in the different fields.
AMT 對於全平面觸控面板設計上擁有豐富的經驗 程序 、提 升產 品良 及降 低成本上不斷深耘,我們將會持續的創新突破,以滿足各種不同領域之需求。
In 2011, in
[...] the customer support service process optimization project, ZTE Corporation was boldly [...]
innovative in respect to customized
service levels and open service process requirements as well as B2B docking work with the customers’ systems, which met the requirements of the main operators and promoted the service capability improvement of the company.
在2011年,客户支持服务优化项 目, 针对 化的 服务 水平和 放化的服 务过 程要求,以及与客户系统 进行B2B对接工单等方面进行大胆地创新,满足了欧美高端客户要求,大大地促进了公司服务能力提升。
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